Eyewear Recycling

Achievable solutions for eco-friendly eyewear packaging, products, and processes.

Eyewear that can be recycled.

Work alongside a sustainability partner that:

  • Facilitates end-user or retail take-back of your eyewear products.
  • Handles the material recovery and recycling of product returns or factory scrap.
  • Addresses your unique concerns, dreams, and requirements instead of a one-size-fits-all approach.
  • Helps you teach and exceed your corporate sustainability and circularity goals.
  • Understands the intricacies of safely recycling and reusing various eyeglass components. 
  • Offers transparent and practical solutions that benefit your customers and your bottom line. 
  • Brings solution-oriented thinking and expertise to every project and all client relationships. 

Breathing New Life into Old Eyeglasses

Old eyeglasses in a bucket

Not sure what to do with old glasses? Close the Loop is here to help. With over two decades of experience, our powerful combination of expertise, passion, and knowledge helps get your company and our planet heading in the right direction, together. 

The last thing we want to see is old glasses taking up space in a landfill, especially where better solutions exist. 

What are your current frustrations with your recovery model, and what do you wish to improve? Let’s hear about your hold-ups and goals so we can create a better way. 

The Importance of Eyewear Recovery and Recycling:

Take it from us: eyewear brands with recycling programs are lightyears ahead of those without one.

  • Build Brand Loyalty. An increasing number of consumers are seeking eyewear companies with recyclable packaging and take-back programs.
  • Support the Environment. The eyewear industry increases in profitability every year, meaning many unused pairs of old glasses are out there. The more we can work to recover discarded products, the less likely they will wind up in landfills.
  • Boost the Bottom Line. An efficient eyewear take-back program cuts down on unnecessary costs and resources. 

Sustainable Solutions Await

Close the Loop believes in caring deeply for our planet through strategic planning and activations. Together, we design, communicate, implement, and manage processes that yield measurable results. 

Recycled eyewear is the way of the future, and we can help you get there. From our certifications and standards to our current client list, Close the Loop is already making a difference in our planet’s future. Won’t you join us?

Tell us more about your unique needs, and our team will respond as soon as possible.

Why is Eyeglass Recycling Important:

  • It’s better for the environment. With the eyewear industry being so profitable, there are a lot of unused pairs out there. The more we can work to create sustainable products, the less harm we do to our planet.
  • It increases brand loyalty. Today, an increasing number of consumers are looking to buy eyewear with recyclable packaging and from companies that believe in sustainability. Take it from us: eyewear brands with recycling programs are lightyears ahead of those without one.
  • It saves money and resources. By implementing an efficient eyewear recycling program, you save both money and resources. At Close the Loop, we can help you establish sustainable solutions that are better for everyone.

Envision a Greener World

Learn more about our work, including our certifications and standards. Together, we can actually make an impact on eyewear recycling, as well as create effective take-back programs. Our team believes in caring deeply for our planet. Won’t you join us?

Global Reach